What Is the Best Home Remedy to Get Rid of Ants? 7 Natural Ways

A survey conducted by the National Pest Management Association found that ant infestations are on the rise across the country, making ants America’s number one nuisance bug. Get rid of these foraging insects using eco-friendly remedies made from household items found in your pantry or at the supermarket. Check your houseplants for swarms of ants, which might indicate nests underneath the soil. You can spray or wipe lemon juice to detract ants by removing pheromone trails and masking the scent of food. Gardeners recommend using neem oil around plants, especially where you see aphids or ants. Ants farm aphids (small sap-sucking insects), so poisoning the aphids with neem oil can take care of both types of pests.

how to kill ants home remedy

This practice must be done carefully to avoid being stung. Home remedies are often desired because they are perceived as being safe, but this is not always true. Furthermore, it is illegal to use these substances to control pests.

Kill Ants from Your Home Right Away!

Finding ants in your home depends on a couple of factors. One of the most commonly suggested home remedies, instant grits, has been scientifically proven to have no effect. Baking soda, vinegar, club soda, molasses, plaster of Paris, and aspartame are also NOT effective home remedies. So, before you exterminate the entire colony of ants living in your yard, weigh the pros and cons of leaving them alone and letting them do their thing. While many home remedies are effective at exterminating ants, there are some that don’t work so well. You can also use boric acid baits to kill German cockroaches.

There are various ways to get rid of them, but repellents are the most effective method. Choosing the right repellents for the job is important, whether dealing with indoor or outdoor ants. Be sure to store food and keep spills cleaned up properly. After taking these precautions, if there are still ants, you will need to find the nest and treat it. Fire ants may enter your home through cracks in the foundation, openings around windows and doors, or electrical outlets and plumbing. However, they do not build their nests inside of homes.


While they don’t carry bacteria harmful to humans, they can be very destructive because they eat wood, which can affect the integrity of a house’s structure. Once they have made their way into your home, ants can be difficult to get rid of, but you can learn how to kill ants with home remedies. Although ants are interesting insects and can be fascinating to watch in ant farms, they are pests that do not belong in your house. Since they are small, they can easily get inside a house through cracks in the foundation or under doorways and find their way to your kitchen while exploring for food. One old home remedy, pouring hot water on the mound, is about 60 percent effective, but it is dangerous to the applicator and will kill the surrounding vegetation.

Baking soda is the best natural home remedy from keeping away the sugar ants from entering the house. The ants get attracted to sugary products and if baking powder is mixed into it then they may get killed by this. There are several home remedies to get rid of sugar ants and using borax is one of them and is also successful in killing sugar ants. Ants come to our house and live inside your house in small cracks in doors, windows, or small openings in the walls. People who are not drawn to using chemicals to kill ants make use of these home remedies like borax.

Rover Ants

If home remedies fail, pesticides and commercially prepared products to kill ants may be used, such as sprays and bait traps that contain pesticides. If everything fails, hiring a professional exterminator can help. There are many exterminators that also specialize in the nontoxic elimination of ants and other pests. You may also fill the cracks with baking soda but mixing it with sugar or will affect the ants in some other way. Baking soda is also used for ant bites, if you may get an ant bite then you may put some baking soda at the place of your body where the bite is.

Some of the best homemade ant killers include diatomaceous earth, soap and water, vinegar and water and sugar and borax paste. Rubbing alcohol is a nice alternative to harsh commercial insecticides that confer numerous health risks in the process of killing ants. Just mix 1 tsp of rubbing alcohol and 1 tsp of dish soap in a spray bottle filled with water. If you are spraying in the garden soil, don’t forget to reapply after the rain. PestrepellercenterLure ants to toxic quantities of baking soda with some powdered sugar and a few drops of your favorite essential oil.

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Lemon juice has many health benefits and its acidic properties also help to repel ants. Similar to using vinegar to get rid of ants, lemon juice helps to confuse the ants and destroy their trail. Ants rarely come into your house in ones and twos, but they can infest your home in their hundreds. Getting rid of ants with natural, homemade insecticides is fairly easy and effective. In fact, killing off ants with natural ingredients not only works quickly, but it helps to look after the environment and keep your family members and pets safe. When fire ants affect your family, ineffective fire ant home remedies only prolong the problem and waste time, money and hope.

how to kill ants home remedy

Let them know if you have children, pets, or other concerns, such as a respiratory health condition. Saturate cotton balls and place them around your home in areas where you commonly see ants. It’s imperative to keep borax away from pets and children as it may be harmful. Saturate cotton balls and place them around your home in areas where you usually see ants. Boric acid is a type of poison that can kill certain types of worker ants and their queen within 3 weeks of exposure, according to an older 2003 animal study. It does this by eroding the ant’s outer shells and stomachs.

Apply a nice coating of either item on both the hill and the surrounding area. The ants will hopefully eat the cornmeal or baking soda, but not be able to digest it. Instead, it will soak up the moisture inside them and expand until it kills them. Boil 1 US gal (3.8 L) of water for the ant hill if you still see activity.

It would be smarter to use the mixture in small portions at first, so as to identify the pathway of the ants which would allow you to apply the solution more effectively. Borax also not only kills ants, but other pests and insects as well, and is also known for its uses as a fungicide and herbicide. This mixture can be used indoors, both as a preventative measure and also as an effective solution for an already existing ant problem. It can also be placed along entryways and paths that ants use to enter the home such as window sills, doors and any opening in general. The simplest way to get rid of ants in your yard is with boiling water. How much water you need depends on how severe the ant infestation is.

Red Chili Powder

People have also had success with sugar, borax, vinegar, and lemon juice. Liquid dish soap also works well as a homemade ant trap. When ants step into it, the dish soap will suffocate and kill them.

how to kill ants home remedy

Chalk contains calcium carbonate, which helps in keeping ants away. Spray some powdered chalk in the areas that are the entry points of ants or draw a line of chalk at the entrance. In order to keep ants of your house, draw chalk lines so that these bugs don't enter. While it not clear as to why this line stops the ants from coming inside, but it is surely effective.


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